I used RHEL when I first started playing with Linux over 10 years ago. I picked up a book and cd of Redhat 5.2 in a half-priced books. Why? Because I wanted to compile and run show-EQ. That's what started my foray into the linux world; to gain an advantage in a video game. I've used RHEL on servers, but on my desktop / laptop I haven't used a RHEL / RPM based distro since. I've primarily done debian based, gentoo, and now Arch. I like apt and pacman; more specifically AUR wrapper, yaourt.
I've always thought Fedora was an interesting distro with a good community. I also had this bad biased view it was bloated. Compared to my pretty stripped down install of Arch using just Awesome as my desktop, most distros feel pretty bloated. Maybe I can change that opinion so I backed up my arch install, wiped the drive and installed FC: Xfce spin.
Install was simple, smooth and fairly fast. First thing was running an update after the install. 700+ package update. I can't say if yum is faster or slower than apt due to the size of this initial update. I guess I'll be able to formulate a better opinion as time goes on.
Next I added the virtualization client group. At the time of the writing I have not finished setting up a KVM of Windows 7, but hopefully will do shortly as I would like to try PCI passthrough.
My biggest issue is not because of the distro or xfce directly; but because I've gotten so used to Awesome. I've become heavily reliant on key combinations for movement, program use etc. Having to rely on the mouse again is a hinderance. Seems I need to go through and setup some key combinations to get a similar feel back.
More to FC later...
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